Stranger Things Season 2: 9 Crazy Fan Theories (That Might Actually Be True)

5. The Shadow Monster Is From D&D

Monster Stranger Things

Demogorgons won't be the big monster of Season 2, however. That honour falls to this mysterious being, which has been dubbed the Shadow Monster by the cast.

Ever since its first appearance in the Superbowl trailer, fans have been wondering just what exactly the creature is. It may come from the Upside Down, and Will appears to be able to at least sense its coming presence, but other than that we don't know a lot about it.

Building on the importance of Dungeons & Dragon in the series, it's been heavily speculated that this is the Thesselhydra, which is the monster the kids encounter in the game at the end of Season 1. The Thesselhydra is an eight-headed creature, although one that resembles a dinosaur or snake more than the spider-esque monster sketched above. But the Demogorgon didn't match-up either, so there's a good chance they're taking a similar approach here.

More pertinent is that the Thesselhydra can only be defeated by killing all of its heads, which means working as a team. That's the kind of approach you could see being necessary in order to defeat it in Season 2, as it fits with the core themes of the series - although it also seems likely that Will is going to be the ultimate key to defeating it.

Adding more intrigue is the role of the government in this, with Pajiba theorising that this monster - much like the one from D&D - isn't a natural creation, but created by Dr Brenner and his team.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.