Stranger Things Season 3: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

7. The Physical Mind Flayer Is Dead...

Stranger Things Mind Flayer

Remember that remnant of the Mind Flayer we spoke about? Yeah, well, it raised a lot of hell in those eight episodes, amassing itself an army of rotting rats and humans - all of whom would eventually melt in order to become part of it. This gave the creature a form - and what a terrifying spider-like form it was.

Terrorising Eleven and her merry band of meddling kids, it came closer than ever to achieving its goal of destroying the psychokinetic teenager. However, like last season, the definitive shutting of The Gate came at a cost for any creature of Upside Down origin and, as a result, it perished just before it could achieve that goal.

That being said, its rotting carcase may have died before our very eyes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we've seen the last of The Mind Flayer...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.