Stranger Things: The Progressively Harder Who Said It Quiz

"You keep trying things on until something feels like you."

Stranger Things

The small provincial town of Hawkins seemed pretty dull and boring until one day, something out of the ordinary happened.

In a laboratory of the US Department of Energy, an unexpected incident occurs and one of its employees is attacked by a strange and unknown creature. It doesn't end there!

Under very strange circumstances, teenager Will Byers goes missing and the local sheriff, Jim Hooper, is assigned to help solve the mystery. Hopper's life became immensely more complicated when quickly realises this wasn't an everyday missing persons case. He discovered an alternate dimension, the Upside Down.

The series drove millions of viewers crazy but definitely convinced everyone that the eighties was the best time to be alive. We became obsessed with all the slang and pop culture references. Stranger Things has some of the best scenes and best quotes in television history - but the question is, can you remember who said what over the last six years? Let's find out how closely you've been paying attention.

As always, the correct answers are shown at the end of the quiz.

1. “There’s More To Life Than Stupid Boys.”


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.