Supergirl: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

27. Jeremiah Danvers

Supergirl 2017
The CW

Alex and Kara's long lost father, Jeremiah Danvers' disappearance had a major role to play in the events that ultimately set both sisters on the heroic paths they would end up taking. However, when he finally returned from his apparent death, he sent us all on our own emotional rollercoasters.

Imprisoned by Cadmus, only to be freed, reunite with his family and then betray them for Cadmus, to then inform them that he's doing it for them and, finally, to turn his back on Cadmus - very little of Jeremiah's story actually makes sense. But it seems that was the writers' intention. However, with his location having remained a mystery for over two years, who knows anymore?

Hopefully he returns one day because Lois and Clark legend Dean Cain had some great moments with his TV daughters and that is a relationship that could benefit from a lot more development.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.