Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions Following 'Pilot'

So that's Toyman, Cyborg Superman, a hunky Jimmy Olsen, and a new, personal villain, right?

So, CBS€™ Supergirl has finally debuted. After months of waiting and many chuckles at how awful this could go all go, it turned out to not actually be all that bad at all. In fact, it turned out to be rather good. Surprisingly good. The chemistry between the key characters was fantastic, the action sequences were relatively impressive, the nods to comic book lore were well done, and the lead character of Supergirl was delivered with wonderful heart, humour and a steely will by Melissa Benoist. When all was said and done, Pilot introduced us to our heroine, established a little of the world in which she inhabits, gave us a villain-of-the-week, and then set-up plenty of further teases as to what's to come. After all of that, though, we were left with numerous questions on what we'd just seen, and the ramifications of going forward.

10. What Role For Her Cousin?

Kara€™s cousin is kind of a big deal. You may have heard of him: the Man of Steel, the Last Son of Krypton, the Big Blue Boy Scout, Superman, or simply Kal-El. Even though convenient camera angles meant we didn€™t see all that much of Superman here, we still got a lot more Supes than many had bargained for. That throws up the question of just what role DC€™s brightest shining light will have to play going forward. Sure, the bulk of the show will focus on Kara €“ after all, it is called Supergirl €“ but it€™ll be interesting to see if Superman makes any further cameos down the line. Considering he€™s apparently got a watchful eye over his cousin, plus she€™s a new hero learning her way in the world and will make mistakes, maybe he€™ll appear again in the future to provide some much-needed advice or to be a shoulder to cry on. Whilst having regular appearances by the Big Blue Boy Scout would completely take away the shine from the show€™s titular heroine, it would still be pretty cool if he popped up once more before the first season comes to an end, even if was just to congratulate Kara on a job well done.
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Senior Writer

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