Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions Following 'Pilot'

8. More Nods To History?

Dotted throughout Pilot were many a nod to the past of Supergirl and even Superman. From the traditional Kryptonian clothing shown early on, to the humorous costume problems Kara has, to Winn Schott€™s collections of toys on his desk, to the mention of the €œSuper Friends€, to dropping the names of comic book writers and artists (including Supergirl creator, Otto Binder), there was plenty to bring a smile to long-standing comic book nerds here. Whether this was merely a one-off and a way to get some approval from long-time fans remains to be seen, but here€™s hoping there€™s plenty of similar nuggets and teases dropped in the show on a regular basis.
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Senior Writer

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