Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions From 'Human For A Day'

4. What About Logic?

With any show such as Supergirl, some semblance of logic and realism has to be thrown out of the window. After all, this is a show centred on an alien who landed on Earth and draws her powers from the sun; said powers including flight, X-ray vision, heat vision, ice breath, etc. That said, some of the logic on show in Human for a Day was laughable at times. For instance, James Olsen can open an elevator door on his own, yet a whole bunch of people on the floor above him can€™t open the exact same sort of door between them? Then there was James taking his shirt off to provide Kara with a make-do sling. That€™s fair enough, but we then later see Kara in an actual sling and with Olsen€™s shirt completely missing. And sticking with James (seriously, can we not just call him Jimmy yet?), when he€™s holding on to the elevator cables and they start to snap€ really, these cables can hold the weight of an elevator full of people with no issues whatsoever, yet the weight of this one dude causes them to snap? Luckily for James, Kara€™s powers can back and she dived down to catch him, but this again was a tad head-scratching in how she needlessly changed in to her Supergirl costume to do so even though there was no one else around and the costume was nowhere to be found. Seriously, is it just me that picks up on this stuff?
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Senior Writer

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