Supergirl Season 1: 8 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Red Faced'

6. Will Cat Grant Become A Mentor?

She may give off the aura of an uber-bitch, but the character of Cat Grant has certainly shown a softer side at times during the last few episodes. Could all of this be leading to Cat becoming a mentor of sorts for Kara? Here we see Cat explaining to an angry Kara that she needs to find the root of what€™s really bothering her in order to stop her taking things out on others. It was some sage advice that was delivered with a sense of genuine care. Of course, it wouldn€™t be long until the walls came up and Cat was back to berating Kara, but still, at least we know that there€™s a different side to Cat Grant when she wants people to see it.
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Senior Writer

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