Supergirl Season 1: 9 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Livewire'

7. Supergirl€™s Super Bits?

One topic of conversation that I didn€™t expect to see raise its head in Livewire was anything at all involving Supergirl€™s sexuality or her super bits. But that€™s exactly what happens when Leslie Willis takes to the air with her radio show. Leslie€™s exact words were: €œWho is hombre enough to puncture the chastity belt of steel? Or is what€™s required a softer touch? I mean, she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe with the big ol€™ butch chest plate. And how does it even work with an alien? Is everything the same down there or are we talking tentacles?€ And so the big question is, is Supergirl rocking some sort of tentacles under her outfit? That€™s certainly one question you didn€™t expect to be contemplating today, that€™s for sure.
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Senior Writer

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