Supergirl Season 4: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Blood Memory'


2. Death Takes A Holiday

Supergirl Isabel Nal
The CW

While the episode's main purpose was to give us a crash course in Nia's family history, that doesn't mean that basic human (or in this case, alien) emotions should be overlooked. From the way in which Nia spoke about her family to the warm greeting she received from her parents when she arrived in Parthas, it was clear that she came from an incredibly loving environment and, even though the writers didn't have an awful long time to set it up, we bought it nonetheless.

This, however, made the death of her mother, Isabel Nal, all the more impossible to fathom. Granted, Isabel's death did serve a purpose as it allowed Nia to get that approval from her mother than she had been seeking and ultimately propel her to embrace her gifts, but it all happened far too quickly.

Suddenly, the episode took unexplained time jumps and, as a result, we didn't even get to see either of the Nal sisters truly grieve for their mother. Moreover, Nia's acceptance of her own abilities and the family drama that ensued from Maeve's discovery all took center stage and resulted in Isabel's death taking a backseat.

A little grief goes a long way in helping us relate to the characters and, unfortunately, there wasn't much here. The death of a parent is monumental to any character but, for some reason, after the initial shock, the impact of Isabel's passing on Nia and Maeve didn't come across that well.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.