Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 1 Down From What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & The American Way?


4. Adding Context

Supergirl Brainy Brainiac 5 Nia Nal
The CW

One of the episode's secondary storylines focused on Brainiac-5's attempts to train new superhero Nia Nal. Though the pair's scenes were a lot of fun to watch, the setting provided us with some welcome backstory that ended up playing a crucial role in the episode's final battle sequence.

Nia's desire to find out more about her planet directly opposed everything Brainy stood for, as the 12th-level intellect was worried that revealing more about her future could end up creating a paradox (Barry Allen sure could have used a Brainy back in 2016, right?). However, being in the Fortress of Solitude, she could turn to Kelex (who finally returned after a long absence) for the necessary information. This resulted in her figuring out that she was capable of administering energy blasts - something she would eventually need Brainy's help perfecting.

However, Kelex's reintroduction also served a purpose in Brainy's story as the Legionnaire couldn't stand the Kryptonian robot, humorously referring to him as "Kleenex". Is this rivalry merely a clash of the A.I.s, or is there another reason why they continue to throw shade at each other? Moreover, could this play into Brainy's subsequent loss of his Legion ring and, perhaps, end up giving us a deeper look into the beloved character's backstory?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.