Supergirl Season 4 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Leviathan Is Coming

Supergirl Leviathan Granny Goodness
The CW

Miss Eve Teschmacher's plan to dominate the world with Lex Luthor failed miserably and, as a result, Cat Grant's former assistant tried to make a quick getaway. However, her plan was foiled when she was approached by an elderly woman who berated her for "failing", telling her that escape was futile because "Leviathan is everywhere".

For those unaware, in the comics Leviathan is a shady criminal organization that was later revealed to be a schism of the League of Assassins and, as a result, was under the tutelage of Talia Al Ghul. Introduced in 2011, not that much is known about them, but they are capable of creating super humans, have cult-like tendencies and even ended up in Batman's crosshairs.

While all will be revealed in due course, the most interesting thing about Supergirl's iteration of Leviathan so far is undoubtedly the mysterious old woman. Perhaps it's too early to speculate about her identity but, given that a well-known Superman villain also happens to be an intimidating old woman, viewers have been left wondering if this new arrival could actually be Granny Goodness - an antagonistic immortal being from the planet Apokolips that is often associated with Darkseid.

Wouldn't that be an intriguing plot twist?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.