Supergirl Season 4 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

1. The Monitor Is Testing Earth-38

Supergirl The Monitor
The CW

The Monitor's arrival on Earth-38 didn't end with the introduction of Malefic, as he would also make his way towards Lex Luthor's dead body, leaving fans wondering if the legendary Superman villain could return from the dead next season. This, of course, raised some intriguing questions about The Monitor's role in the Arrowverse, especially in regards to his intentions.

Why has this supposed God (who has aligned himself with Oliver Queen) suddenly started raising hell for Supergirl and her friends? After all, isn't he supposed to be helping the heroes of the multiverse prepare for the Crisis? But therein lies the answer to all of these questions because, in a way, that is exactly what he's doing.

Remember, despite his seemingly good intentions, he played more of an antagonistic role in the Elseworlds crossover (giving the Book of Destiny to the unhinged John Deegan) in a bid to test Team Arrow and Team Flash for the Crisis, allowing them to prove themselves worthy. Though he did cross paths with Supergirl, that was more unintentional than anything else, as his reality-rewriting venture was only exclusive to Earth-1.

Perhaps now, with the Crisis imminent, he has finally made his way to Earth-38 to test the rest of the heroes, and what better way to do that than to unleash the arch-rivals of Martian Manhunter and Superman one more time?

If we learned anything from that ending, it's that the Crisis is imminent.


What did you make of the ending to Supergirl's Season 4 finale? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.