Supernatural: 10 Most Hated Episodes
8. Paint It Black (Season 10, Episode 16)
Crowley's mom is easily one of the worst characters in Supernatural history; plenty of fans couldn't stand her the moment she appeared on the show. Many viewers thought she was annoying, overdone, and worthless to the plot. The show writers must have not gotten the memo, however, because season 10 seems to be obsessed with featuring her.
Paint It Black is one of those episodes and boy, is it a bad one. Good god, were they running Rowena's storyline like a marathon at this point of the show. Sam and Dean felt pushed to the side, almost like they were guest stars instead of the protagonists of the show. This episode was also painfully boring and slow to watch and featured too much coincidence and exposition.
Paint It Black is again just a nothing of an episode and it made it very apparent that the writers no longer knew what they were doing and were just writing stuff up in order to keep the show going. Season 10 featured some of the worst episodes of Supernatural and was all-around just a boring, repetitive, and formulaic experience, giving viewers the same thing every week.