Supernatural Quiz: Can You Match The Dean Winchester Scene To The Season?

How well do you remember the Soldier of Heaven?

Supernatural Dean Winchester
The CW

Whether you're a diehard Supernatural fan or you simply like to have the show on as a bit of background noise, chances are you know a little bit about the Winchester brothers.

Dean was Sam's older brother, and they were both trained by their father to hunt and kill supernatural creatures. While Sam was initially reluctant to follow the family business, Dean preferred this life. He was raised like a warrior.

Over time, the brothers managed to find themselves in some pretty sticky situations, but Dean was always on hand to crack a joke or two. He was funny, mischievous, and loved a good pop culture reference.

For any show that runs as long as Supernatural did, it's probably a fair argument that it would be virtually impossible to remember everything that happened. Only the biggest fans of Supernatural know the most minor and obscure details.

The question for today is, how well do you remember Dean's journey? Can you match a specific scene he was in to the correct season? Let's find out!

1. Which Season Is This Scene From?


Laura Holmes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.