Supernatural Quiz: Match The Case To The State
What state did these supernatural creatures come from?
Supernatural is inspired by urban legends and stories all over the United States. Every state has its own paranormal creature that needs killing. The Winchester brothers were the only ones right for the job.
There were books written about the fearless brothers and their long journey - not to mention the musicals performed based on the lives of the Man of Letters. The stories told, or performed by bohemian artists and fans, were exaggerated and out of touch with reality. However, the key facts were right. The brothers did drive around the states of America and kill monsters, sometimes doing laps. They visited almost every state in their retro Chevrolet Impala.
Some states greeted the glorious hunters with respect, some caused additional problems for them. Sam and Dean made friends and enemies during their ride along. But one thing was clear, they reduced danger and the homicide rate in all states.
Let's see how well you remember the road map of the Winchester's holy mission. Can you remember all the states the members of the Team Free Will visited and the paranormal creatures they killed?