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Teen Wolf and the world of Beacon Hills where wolves prowl the woods, people come back from the dead, where a beast can hide in beauty and the power of love does conquer all. It might not be the coolest show out there but it's certainly won of the most eagerly anticipated, with the show's third season beginning on the 3rd of June in the United States. This breakout show for MTV's original content is an unlikely reboot of a cheesy Eighties high school supernatural comedy has won a slew of recognition for intricate storylines, deep characterisation and the significant cultural impact it's had (check any Tumblr site ever). With the third season taking a break from the first and second season's intertwined stories, we've got a bit of a break before we catch up with Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Derek and the others. If you've never seen the show before and fancy a quick catch-up service to help you understand the show as the new season airs, we have knocked up a little something to get you all up to speed. This might hurt...