The 10 Worst The Big Bang Theory Episodes
7. The Cognition Regeneration (Season 10 episode 22)

In this episode we see the return of Zack when Penny contemplates taking him up on a job offer. Leonard, however, is strongly against the idea considering Penny and Zack's romantic history. Sheldon, meanwhile, is having an identity crisis as he wrestles with the idea that he hasn't yet reached his full potential.
Why it sucks: It's such a shame that the writers went ahead and ruined Sheldon's storyline about him slowly losing his wunderkind status. The idea itself was refreshing and had bags of potential but instead of writing an interesting ark of self discovery, they make him look like a performing circus monkey by giving him more and more outrageous tricks to do. First he's on a unicycle, then he's on stilts; if Sheldon hadn't jumped the shark beforehand, he certainly did then.
What didn't suck: As much as I can bash the writers for Sheldon's storyline, I like that they decided to give Penny's career ark a different direction other than recycling the worn out idea that she is trying to make it as an actress. They get props from me for making it a realistic scenario about a woman at a cross roads in her life.