The 10 Worst The Big Bang Theory Episodes

4. The Matrimonial Momentum (Season 9 Episode 1)

The big Bang Theory Sheldon

In this episode, Leonard and Penny arrive in Vegas to have their shotgun wedding whilst the rest of the gang gather at Howard's house to watch it on a live stream. Whilst at the house, Sheldon and Amy have a falling out about the direction that their relationship is heading in.

Why it sucks: The great will-they-won't-they saga of Penny and Leonard finally came to a conclusion in this episode when we finally got to see the two get married. So, how did the writers see this going down? A grand spectacle? A hilarious trip down memory lane featuring some of our favourite recurring characters? Nope. A shotgun wedding in Vegas featuring vows which, even for The Big Bang Theory, were painfully cheesy and a big fight at the end. But not only were Penny and Leonard fighting, but Sheldon and Amy were too. I am aware that the series needs to come up with fresh ideas for their characters but turning the show into a sitcom version of The Real Housewives of California was a horrible direction.

What didn't suck: Sheldon's quote on Madame Curie - "She has a penis made of science." certainly knocked me off guard.


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