The Best Villain From Every Season Of The Flash

1. Season 8 - Despero (So Far)

The Flash The Thinker
The CW

In yet again another attempt to recapture the earlier seasons' glory, the Flash's ongoing eighth season began with a crossover titled Armageddon. Featuring DC mainstay Despero as its primary antagonist, the crossover had intriguing elements such as the return of Ray Palmer and Damien Darhk and the idea that Barry was fated to destroy the world.

In an initial subversion of expectations, Despero came back from the past to stop Barry's future actions, a heroic act that was a far cry from his depiction in the comics. It turns out that Despero's time was actually manipulated by Eobard Thawne, who created his own Flashpoint to paint Barry as the villain and he as the hero.

This revelation immediately undercut Despero's impact in the crossover, as it meant that the whole crossover ultimately boiled down to yet another Flash v. Reverse-Flash affair. In addition to this, it robbed viewers of seeing a new villain who had the potential to challenge Barry and Team Flash at every turn.

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