The Big Bang Theory: 10 Greatest Celebrity Cameos So Far

2. Stan Lee

Cats The boys love their comic books, so there is much excitement when the legendary comic book writer is doing a comic book signing at Stuart's comic book store. The only problem is that Sheldon is due in court and cannot go to the signing, leading him to not only miss out on Stan Lee but also a trip out to gelato with comic colossus. As it was Penny's fault that Sheldon was in court she tries to put thing right by taking Sheldon to Stan Lee's house, and although the man appears, he isn't happy about his guest. Yet after 'inviting' Sheldon in to watch the Lakers game, it all backfires on him. He really needs a sarcasm sign. This cameo works because of the expectation €“ throughout the episode you are left constantly wondering whether we will get to see Stan Lee, and in the end it delivers. In Fantastic Four nightwear, no less.

Oliver is a lover of all things football. A Sheffield Wednesday season ticket holder he's happy to have a chat, unless you're a blade of course.