The Big Bang Theory: 10 Problems It Faces Moving Forward

8. The Raj Displacement

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After the introduction of Amy and Bernadette, and the show’s shift to being more relationship focused, Raj started to fall away from the other leads. Not being in a relationship with one of the other characters (unless you count Howard), he ended up in the background or in storylines with recurring or one-off characters.

While Seasons 9 and 10 eased back on this and integrated Raj into Bernadette’s pregnancy arc, a lot of his storylines still take him away from the main cast. Especially the constant romantic sagas. And it looks like Season 11 will go down that road again with Raj and Bert’s house-share storyline.

How much of problem this could be depends on how Raj living with Bert pans out. If it’s mostly shown through the eyes of the other characters like Howard living with his mother, it won’t affect things too much. Hell, it will probably be pretty funny. But if it becomes an Odd Couple-style situation with them frequently getting their own subplots, we’re back to the dynamic of three couples and Raj.


JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.