The Big Bang Theory Or Star Trek Quiz: Who Said It - Sheldon Cooper Or Spock?

Was it Jim Parsons' Sheldon Cooper or his idol Leonard Nimoy's Spock?

The Big Bang Theory/Spock Quiz

The earliest memory of Sheldon Cooper was when we he walked into that sperm bank. Who could have expected that he would go on to win a Nobel Prize? It was a definitely a little unexpected from a person who spent a lifetime mastering emulating Spock and rising above human emotion.

Despite dreaming of a cold, rational world entirely without human emotion, governed by logic, socially awkward Sheldon Cooper found himself in a rather cozy entourage. The most caring roommate, Leonard Hofsterder, empathetic neighbour Penny and more importantly, the most patient and loving girlfriend, Amy Farrah Fowler. ​​

After all, Sheldon missed the point of Leonard Nimoy’s Spock, as he liked to act like he had no emotions, but he was still half human. But, all the quirks aside, we believe that there is a Big Bang Theory fan out there who, when faced with a dilemma, asks himself what would Sheldon do?

If you are them, you should definitely take this quiz and try to remember all the logical quotes that came from Einstein von Brainstorm Sheldon and science officer Spock.

Answers at the end!

1. “I Often Forget Other People Have Limitations. It’s So Sad.”


Aimee Klapisch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.