The Big Bang Theory: Progressively Harder Penny Quiz
If you consider yourself a Penny know-it-all, this is the time to prove it.

Everyone has their favourite Big Bang Theory character, but what would the show be without the gang's necessarily non-nerdy foil Penny?
Arriving in California as a total fish out of water with aspirations of becoming a famous actress, Penny at first couldn't seem much more different from her new pals.
But over the course of the show's 12 seasons and 279 episodes, an unbreakable bond grew, Penny unmistakably becoming "one of the gang" while also achieving her own self-actualisation.
Yet just how well do you really know Penny? She certainly had one of the more substantial character arcs over the course of the show, but just how closely were you actually paying attention?
This increasingly tricky Penny quiz will put your knowledge to the test, such that only the most die-hard Big Bang Theory fans - and Penny obsessives, more to the point - have a chance of getting anywhere close to 100%.
If you consider yourself a Penny know-it-all, this is the time to prove it. But fear not no matter how you do, because the answers are at the end as ever. Good luck!