The Big Bang Theory: Progressively Harder Sheldon Cooper Knock Knock Quiz

How annoying did you find Sheldon's knocking?

The Big Bang Theory Sheldon

Weird schedules, apartment temperature control, specific spots on the couch, boringly long roommate and relationship agreements, eating habits and restaurant choices, laundry nights, shirt and pyjama agendas, haircut records, brain scanning are all what make The Big Bang Theory genius Sheldon Cooper’s personality complete and, of course, sometimes unbearable and wonky. Well, President Siebert and the Caltech University prefer to use the word “quirky”.

The man of habits who can’t tolerate change, even the new smell of his neighbours shampoo or her haircut has been tolerated by his best friends and colleagues for many years. Even when he knocked on their door with his repetitive, ritualistic knock, they still remained loyal. That knock became his signature and led to new many jokes and mocking over the course of 12 fantastic seasons.

Many characters used his knock as a joke throughout the series, but it's definitely something you shouldn't try at home! We must warn you that if you do, you’ll never stop. Instead, you can take this quiz and see how well you remember Sheldon’s door knock ritual.

Answers at the end!

1. How Many Times Did Sheldon Knock Before Stating The Person's Name?






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