The Big Bang Theory Quiz: During Which Episode Did Penny Say It?

How well do you remember Penny?

The Big Bang Theory Penny

The Big Bang Theory has become one of the most popular modern sitcoms in the world with an audience of over 10 million people. It became the longest-running sitcom in the history of American television and received 46 nominations for the prestigious Emmy Award.

For 279 episodes, TBBT gave the audience many fun plot twists and sparkling humour. Neurotic physicist Sheldon Cooper had a lot of funny gags, but it was the pretty blonde next door who consistently kept fans entertained. Yes, we are of course talking about Penny.

She may not have an academic education and cared very little about scientific life, but she loved beautiful clothes and her beautiful nerdy friends. She was a deeply emotional person, as caring as she was vulnerable but she also had a fierce side and was always able to stand up for herself. She was the unconditional highlight of the show, its main spiritual and aesthetic component.

Fans were obsessed with Penny and her hilarious quotes and jokes but can you rememember during which episode she said those? Let's find out!

1. "Sweetie, Every Night You Don't Kill Him In His Sleep, He Wins."


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.