The Big Bang Theory Quiz: What Would Amy Choose?
The sweet neuroscientist chose Sheldon as her husband. So eccentric it is!

Like Sheldon Cooper, his girlfriend Amy Farrah Fowler was a little blunt and said things that made others feel awkward. However, over the time, she grew as a person and started to treat people with empathy. This concept unknown to Sheldon!
The weird couple had been moving forward in their relationship at a snail's pace due to Sheldon's commitment issues and solitary lifestyle. The cute bespectacled neuroscientist chose to be patient with the genius that is Shelly. Meanwhile, she concentrated on her career and built a BFF alliance with Penny, without her consent.
The girls were very close despite their differences. They enjoyed girls' nights and both chose nerdy scientist husbands. However, when it came to fashion, Penny chose to wear a black little dress, while Amy decided to show all kind of ankle in a flowered dress from "Forever 63". In fact, Amy's choices always surprised her friends. The gang mocked her for being with Sheldon. Not to mention her eccentric bridesmaid and wedding dresses. She did look like a pile of swans that made Sheldon go "Wow".
With some reservations, we think that she made the right decisions.
It's time to see how familiar you are with Amy's life choices. What would Amy choose in the following scenrios?