The Big Bang Theory Quiz: Who Said It - Sheldon Cooper Or Barry Kripke?

Who stands behind these BBT lines - Shelly or Bawwy ?

The Big Bang Theory

This Big Bang Theory may owe its huge success to Kaley Cuoco, James Parsons, Mayim Bialik, Johnny Galecki, Melissa Rauch, Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar, however there's no taking away from just how great the supporting cast were.

One of the funniest and most enlightening characters outside of the primary circle of scientists was Barry Kripke, the annoying, controversial colleague of Sheldon, Raj, Leonard and Howard.

The plasma-physicist-turned-string-theorist was a man of mood and strip clubs. It’s hard to tell whether he was a friend or their competitor. He destroyed a robot designed by the gang. He tried to teach them fencing. He refused to give Leonard and Sheldon helium. He made them clean grease. He agreed to move his birthday party. He sang at their wedding Sheldon and Amy's wedding. And, of course, he almost ruined the careers of Dr. Pemberton and Dr. Campbell.

Whether you call it a friendship, sympathy, hatred or enmity, Sheldon’s relationship with Barry was full of intrigues, sarcasm and mocking, which enriched many episodes of the show.

Well, let’s see how well you can remember the encounters between two genius string theorists of Caltech.

1. "This Sundae Just Got A Cherry On Top!"


Aimee Klapisch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.