The Big Bang Theory Quotes Quiz: Who Said It - Penny Or Sheldon?
Was it the Community College dropout or the Nobel Prize winner?

The Big Bang Theory may have come to an end but fans around the globe are watching the CBS sitcom all over again.
For twelve years, our nights revolved around the lives of three doctors, one Howard and the bubbly adorable Penny as we joined their adventures in love and nerdy life in and outside the Caltech University. As much as the series is about the madcap adventures of this quirky group, it's also about relationships, whether these be romantic or friendship.
Arguably one of the best relationships to come out of the series has been the unlikely friendship between the ultra genius Sheldon and the decidedly non-academic Penny. Sheldon and Penny began the series as adversaries, due to their totally different ways of life, but 12 years, 279 episodes and millions of jokes later, grew into one of the strongest friendships in the entire sitcom history, producing countless heartwarming and hilarious moments.
Although a romantic/sexual relationship between the two characters has never been pursued on the show and has never been hinted at, many fans still root for Shenny. And even though the show has tended to focus more on the romances in recent years, to the detriment of some of its original dynamics, Sheldon and Penny's friendship still remains one of the best decisions The Big Bang Theory has ever made.
Well! before you get too emotional and start with a rerun of those memorable 12 seasons, can you tell these two apart from their quotes alone?