The Big Bang Theory: The Toughest Penny Quiz On The Internet

How well do you remember the girl next door?

The Big Bang Theory Penny

The show The Big Bang Theory aired on September 24, 2007, on CBS. The series, created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady has become one of the most popular contemporary sitcoms in the United States and other countries, with an audience of more than 10 million people.

The show gave fans tons of fun plot twists and barrels of sparkling humour for 279 episodes. The neurotic physicist Sheldon Cooper has a lot of hilarious gags, but the beautiful blonde net door Penny, also made fans laugh out loud.

Although at first she clearly felt "out of place" and tried very hard to match her new scientist friends, who were obsessed with comics, she never disappointed fans and coped well with everything. She often seemed to be the most frivolous character on the show, yet underneath her feigned courage, Penny was a deeply emotional person, just as caring as she was vulnerable.

You may want to have Soft Kitty play in the background while you take this quiz. Let's find out just how much you remember about the lovely and adorable Penny.

Answers at the end!

1. What Did Sheldon And Leonard Do To Penny To Cause Their First Fight?


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.