The Big Bang Theory vs Friends - Which Is Your Favourite?

1. Cultural Impact

bi Friends redefined television in a way few shows have since matched. The shift of focus onto a group of six ordinary people proved hugely popular with its target audience. People were changing and Friends captured the essence of that new attitude perfectly. Jennifer Aniston's hairstyle was so popular, it was given its own name - "The Rachel". Joey's signature catchphrase "How you doin'?" was incorporated into everyday speech. Friends was about living life regardless of whether you had a job or money. If you had good friends, you could get through anything. The Big Bang Theory is arguably one of most important TV shows in the last few years. On the surface, it might just seem like a fun comedy series that doesn't deal with heavy themes, but The Big Bang Theory's whole premise is built around minorities. It has changed public opinion on what its like to be a 'geek'. Over the last few years, geek has become cool. The Big Bang Theory succeeds so well because of its ability to transcend genres. The writers aren't afraid to deal with highly complicated topics, but they also make fun of themselves. It doesn't matter that Sheldon is a genius, or Penny is a waitress, viewers are more interested in their personal lives. The Bang Bang Theory has encouraged millions to embrace being different.

Winner = The Big Bang Theory

Overall Winner = Friends

So there you have it, Friends just about comes out on top. Not to worry though, The Big Bang Theory still has plenty of potential and could eventually overtake Friends when it reaches Season 10. So what do you think? Am I being too harsh on The Big Bang Theory? Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote on your favourite!

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!