The Boys: You'll Never Get 100% On This Billy Butcher Quiz!

How well do you know the Supe hating leader of The Boys?

The Boys Billy Butcher

Since its debut on Amazon Prime in 2019, The Boys has become one of the most popular series currently streaming, and is a breath of fresh air for the superhero genre. Filled with many outrageous and outstanding characters, the man who stands out as the consistent fan favourite is Billy Butcher.

Often referred to by his last name, Butcher is the violent and somewhat sadistic leader of the titular group, consisting of Hughie, Frenchie, Mother's Milk and Kimiko. Butcher has a major hatred for superheroes and will stop at nothing to take them down.

At times, his motivations and actions have him swaying between the side of good and evil, however Butcher does genuinely care about his teammates and his wife.

While many who have watched the show will think they know everything about arguably its main character, this quiz will put their skills to the test to see how well they truly know the superhero hating leader of The Boys.

How well do you know Billy Butcher?

Answers at the end!

1. Who Recruited Billy To Join The Boys?


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