The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

1. The Hand Are Boring

Iron Fist Bakuto

Does anyone really love The Hand as much as the Netflix show-makers do? They've now stolen top billing in three shows, revealing themselves to be HYDRA-style deep-embedded villains controlling things from the shadows of their huge corporate portfolios, while also being ninjas.

That sounds good on paper - and it fits with the modern lizard-men theory fascination and the Trump-era "evils of corporations" - but there is no consistency to what they are. If they've been around for hundreds of years without discovery, how does it take the Defenders about 10% of their power to accidentally stumble on the "mystery" of their quest for immortality. Why wouldn't they hide it better and out of public records?

And why are the Hand so easy or so difficult to defeat based on the requirements of the plot? It's pretty fatal for their mythology. As an indication of how badly the Hand, and the Fingers in particular - have been handled, it takes an absolute asspull at the climax to ramp up the threat, when Gao miraculously learns to use the Force.

That's not good writing, and they're not good villains.

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