The Flash: 8 Craziest (And Most Believable) Reverse-Flash Theories

8. His Presence Is Leading To Flashpoint

Flashpoint is the comic book series which rebooted the DC Comics Universe back in 2011. It began when Barry Allen woke up one day in a very different world to the one he knew. For starters, his mother was alive and he never became The Flash. The Reverse-Flash later appears and reveals it was Barry who created that new world when he travelled back in time and saved his mother's life (pulling the entire Speed Force into himself in the process). In the show's reality, Barry's mother is obviously dead, but what if the series is building up to the moment when he makes that fateful decision to travel back? When he gets there though, maybe The Flash makes a different decision, choosing not to save his mother and possibly just killing Reverse-Flash. However, he survives unbeknownst to The Flash and becomes Harrison Wells, explaining why the scientist is so keen on protecting Barry: he wants to regain the Speed Force that only The Flash himself can one day access. It's an interesting and believable explanation, but one which will no doubt undergo some major changes as the show adapts it to suit their own storytelling purposes. It's something star Grant Gustin has hinted at too as he was recently quoted as saying that the first thing Barry thinks about when he discovers time travel is going back to save his mother's life.
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