The Flash: Ranking Every Version Of Harrison Wells From Worst To Best

6. Harrison Wells (Earth-1)

The Flash Reverse-Flash Harrison Wells Tom Cavanagh
The CW

Poor Harrison Wells, he seemed like such a nice guy.

Yes, it almost feels wrong to rank the original Earth-1 iteration of the character so low when, in all honesty, he was the perfect Wells: Brilliant, hopeful and even romantic. Unfortunately, we would never get to see the great things that he and his beloved Tess Morgan would achieve as their lives were cut short by the Reverse-Flash - who managed to subsequently use Wells' appearance in the 15 years that followed.

Nonetheless, it says a lot that the original Harrison Wells made such an impression on us after a few flashbacks. He really did deserve so much better.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.