The Flash Season 2: 11 Big Questions We're Asking After The Mid-Season Premiere

10. Can Jay Be Saved?

Oh, yeah, Jay Garrick - remember him? Although he's actually a Flash - and was before Barry - he hasn't been able to showcase his speed since his introduction at the beginning of the season, because Zoom took it away from him. That means he's moped around, tried to be a mentor to Barry, disappeared for a little bit, and is now back, possibly starting a relationship with Caitlin, and being another scientist on a team already full of them. I like Teddy Sears in the role, and the character should have a big part to play - just think of the excitement when his helmet appeared in the Season 1 finale - but, so far, he's been wasted. Now, just to compound things for the poor guy, it's revealed that he's dying, and the only way to survive is to get his speed back. Which, as it stands, means defeating Zoom, unless he and Caitlin can find some other way of doing it. It's crazy to think that they would introduce Jay Garrick and never have him use his speed, so surely he's got to get it back at some point, right? Is this all building up to a point where he somehow recovers it, and then there's a big super speedster team-up to finally defeat Zoom?

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.