The Flash Season 2: 13 Big Questions We're Asking After 'The Darkness And The Light'
Welcome back, Harry!
Well, that's more like it! After last week's deviation from the main plot, instead focusing on Professor Stein and Firestorm to a variable degree of success, The Flash gets back on track this week with The Darkness and The Light. After the Harrison Wells cliffhanger, it got straight back into it this time around, with 'Harry' and Barry having to work together, with a slight setback in the form of Joe West trying to shoot the not-so-good doctor. The STAR Labs team dealt with the return of Wells pretty, um, well actually, accepting it even if they weren't exactly happy with the situation. Having him back for pretty much the full episode really me realise just how much Tom Cavanagh has been missed on the show, and this iteration of his character is hugely enjoyable already (even if he is a total d**k). There was another metahuman, in the form of Doctor Light, some extra powers for Barry, the big reveal of Cisco's, and a good look at Zoom. It managed to show us plenty while actually giving little away, still in the process of setting things up for the weeks ahead, when hopefully we might actually get some answers to a few of these questions.