The Flash Season 2: 16 WTF Moments From 'The Fury Of The Firestorm'

1. Barry Allen Meet Harrison Wells

In a massive WTF moment for Barry Allen, he€™s greeted by the face of the man who killed his mother and who manipulated him for so long whilst making his life a living hell. How Barry reacts going forward is massively intriguing, for the face of Wells is one that will stir up a whole mixed bag of emotion for the Scarlet Speedster. The problem here is that we don€™t know what Wells€™ M.O. is. Is this Earth-2 Wells similarly a no-good sort like the now-deceased Earth-1 Wells? Has this Wells been corrupted by Eobard Thawne also? Is this Wells even a hero in his own world? Or could this Wells even end up being revealed to be Zoom at some point? He was seemingly fighting the good fight here in The Fury of the Firestorm as he took down the ominous King Shark, but now it€™s time to sit back and see how the whole Harrison Wells conundrum plays out. What did you think of this week's episode? What were your WTF Moments? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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