The Flash Season 2: 18 WTF Moments From 'King Shark'

17. Harry€™s Home

So, Harrison Wells and daughter Jessie are now permanently stranded on Earth-1 (well, until a convenient solution is found in order to get them back over to Earth-2). We find the daddy-daughter combo taking residence in what seems like a small, dingy lab-cum-home in S.T.A.R. Labs, which is far from the lavish excesses that the pair are used to over in Earth-1. But what was WTF here was how nobody has helped Harry and Jessie out. You have to remember, Earth-1€™s Harrison Wells left S.T.A.R. Labs and all of its properties and finances to Barry Allen. Surely Barry could see to it that Harry and Jessie were put in a decent house for their Earth-1 stay?
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