The Flash Season 2: 8 Crazy Theories About Zoom

7. He€™s A Clone

The CW
The CW
Speed mirages or not, we know definitively that there€™s at least two versions of the Jay Garrick character running around. That's because we saw Zoom holding Jay€™s body in his lair, meaning that one possible, if unlikely, reason for this is that there€™s cloning involved. Don€™t act like The Flash hasn€™t experimented with much more ridiculous concepts thus far, as cloning would seem to be both plausible and unexpected. It would explain Jay's lack of natural powers as well as his meek, inferior personality. Furthermore, it gives another explanation for why his cells are dying. But even if he were a clone, who€™s responsible for his existence? Perhaps Harrison Wells is more involved that he€™s let on and helped Zoom come about in order to stop The Flash on his Earth. It seems like an evil plan straight out of the Lex Luthor playbook, and while farfetched, that kind of reveal would absolutely explain most of the plot in a satisfying manner.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.