The Flash Season 2: 8 Crazy Theories About Zoom

2. He's Jay Garrick From The Future

The CW
The CW
Time travel is a very familiar plot device in The Flash and the show€™s most recent episode was a reminder of that. Looking at what the series did with Reverse-Flash last year, it certainly isn€™t beyond them to concoct another villain from the future. The general thought is that Zoom is Jay Garrick from the future, either coming back to steer his younger self a certain way or because he knew this time in his life would allow him access to Barry Allen. The specifics of such an idea, from the time loops to the causality problems, are enough to make your head spin, but it certainly seems possible. It doesn€™t resolve how one Jay Garrick has seemingly been killed by Zoom, but it would go a long way to explaining how there€™s so many different versions of Teddy Sears running around. It also fits in with the comic book character, whose powers were based around controlling time as opposed to tapping into the speed force.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.