The Flash Season 2: 8 Ups And 3 Downs From 'Rupture'
1. Iris’ Timing
Iris’ Timing
For the entire first season of The Flash, the Iris West character was the show’s biggest problem; whiney, insensitive, selfish, and just a flat-out d*ck for the most part. Luckily that particular problem was fixed by the time Season 2 rolled around, and Iris has been a far more enjoyable, logical character… but that’s not to say that she doesn’t have the odd blip.
One of said blips came about during Rupture.
As Barry has the weight of the world on his shoulders, the Sultan of Speed is contemplating whether or not to allow Harrison Wells to set off another particle accelerator accident in order to give Barry back his speed in order to help stop Zoom. The other angle of that is that if things go wrong then Barry could well end up dying. Pretty heavy stuff, no?
So that seems like the perfect time to reveal you’re loved-up feelings for someone, right? No. No, it most definitely doesn’t. That didn’t stop Iris, though, for she finally admitted to Barry that she has feelings for him and that maybe they should give it a go. Of all the times to pick, it just had to be as poor Barry Allen was already having to make one of the hardest decisions of his life. Yeah, thanks Iris.