The Flash Season 2 Spoilers: Everything You Need To Know
10. Three-Way Crossovers
Having spun-off from Arrow, it was clear that the two existed in the same universe. They made the most of that in both shows last year, with some excellent crossover moments on each series. That's set to continue this time around, only there's going to be even more to play with.
There's another spin-off being thrown into the mix, with DC's Legends of Tomorrow scheduled to air in early 2016. That'll feature characters from Arrow and The Flash, including a back-from-the-dead Sara Lance, a surprise-he's-not-dead Ray Palmer, the Martin Stein half of Firestorm, Rogues Captain Cold and Heat Wave, all brought together by time-travelling Rory, sorry, Rip Hunter.
Those character will appear on Arrow and The Flash before their own series starts, and then the heroes will turn up there as well, meaning we're going to have some pretty epic three-way crossovers this time around.