The Flash Season 3: 15 Things You Need To Know About Flashpoint
4. Batman Kills Reverse-Flash

One of Bruce Wayne’s main rules is that he
doesn’t kill people. Unfortunately for Reverse-Flash, it wasn’t the Bruce Wayne
version of the Dark Knight that was roaming the streets in Flashpoint.
With Barry Allen a beaten and broken man, both emotionally and physically, it appears that Eobard Thawne has finally toppled his great rival in a way that perfectly rubs Barry’s nose in the dirt. But while Thawne is giving it large and playing Barry Big Time as he taunts his foe, he suddenly gets stabbed and killed by an Amazon sword courtesy of Thomas Wayne’s Batman.
Even though Thomas was a depressed alcoholic with a penchant for extreme violence, Flashpoint saw Barry be able to reach some sort of connection with Bruce’s father. Explaining to him about the altered timeline and how Bruce is alive and is Batman in the usual timeline, Thomas decides to make a stand and do what he can to help Barry put things right.
Unluckily for Thawne, that meant he was
merely collateral damage as far as this darker Caped Crusader was concerned.