The Flash Season 3: 7 Ups And 2 Downs From 'Paradox'

1. The Anger Of Team Flash

The Flash Paradox
The CW

You can totally understand Joe West getting the hump when Barry makes comments about Iris, and you can appreciate that Cisco Ramon may be in a bit of a funk following the death of his brother, but the cold shoulder given to Barry by Team Flash here feels so out of place for the majority of the characters.

I’m talking about how the team reacted to Barry’s big reveal about the whole varying timelines and changing of the past. Upon hearing this shocking revelation, there’s only Iris who has any warmth towards Barry as she seems to understand the trauma and shock that the Scarlet Speedster has gone through.

Even though they’re confused and angry, you’d expect Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, and Wally to appreciate what Barry has been through – that he’s had to allow his mother to die once more, whilst he’s also had to deal with the knowledge that he’s caused the world as he knows it to turn upside down. Instead, it took right until the episode’s close for all of Team Flash to ease off on Barry, and even then things still don’t feel quite right yet.

So, what did you enjoy or dislike about Paradox? Let us know in the comments section below.

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