The Flash Season 4: 7 Theories On How Barry Allen Will Return

1. The Flash Reborn

The Flash Black Flash
The CW

Continuing the point of Barry returning as a more powerful speedster with a deeper understanding of the Speed Force, his big comeback could have a major impact on the character's personality.

As a more confident hero who is more assured in his abilities, Barry surely wouldn't be as prone to those bouts of wallowing and guilt that have plagued him over the past two seasons.

Yes, pulling him out of heaven could be a bad thing for the character, but it could also mean that he returns without any of the hang-ups of his past. For instance, he could have spent more time with his mother, as seen at the end of Finish Line, even if she isn't the real Nora Allen.

In short, Barry could at last become the optimistic, strong-willed and experienced hero that fans have loved in the comics for decades. After three seasons of him progressively moving away from being a true hero, Barry's character arc really needs a course correct and this would be the perfect chance to do it.

How do you think Barry will return? Share your own theories down in the comments.


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