The Flash Season 5: 10 Easter Eggs & References You Might Have Missed In 'Nora'

7. Holy Schway, Batman!

Flash Back To The Future
Warner Bros.

Nora West-Allen's futuristic expletives may have turned a few heads, but there was one word that she and her mother ended up having a rather awkward conversation about. That word was "schway".

Though it's official definition couldn't exactly be pinned down, its a safe bet that "awesome" would be a rough translation. However, the only thing more awesome than the unique word is the fact that it is actually a little reference to a certain pointy-eared character from the future. "Schway" is, of course, renowned for being used by Terry McGinnis in the acclaimed animated series Batman Beyond.

The Arrowverse shows have always been very careful when it comes to the Bat-Family, with Arrow only acknowledging Bruce Wayne's existence as recently as last season. But with Batwoman on her way, could we see the Batman of the Future show up at some point too?

That would be pretty "schway", right?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.