The Flash Season 6 Premiere: 9 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Into The Void'

2. Godspeed 5.0.

The Flash Season 5 Godspeed
The CW

Seeing The Flash defeat Godspeed in the opening teaser of an episode was just another reminder of how the show really missed an opportunity with that character.

Granted, that wasn't the real Godspeed and was, instead, the fourth unspeaking copycat they've had to deal with lately (alluding to the fact that August Heart is still out there), but they didn't exactly handle the real one any better.

One of The Flash's all-time greatest and yet newest foes in the comics, we had been waiting for the show to introduce him as a Big Bad (he would have been a great choice for their eventual return to using speedster villains). Unfortunately, they introduced him as a futuristic villain-of-the-week in Nora's standalone future-set episode and portrayed him as nothing more than a speed-stealing wannabe speedster - which, judging by Cisco's comments, obviously hasn't changed in spite of Nora's unfortunate demise.

Give us the real Godspeed, people!

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.