The Flash Season 6 Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Pay The Piper'

1. The Incredible Performances

The Flash Barry Allen Grant Gustin
The CW

In a high-stakes episode such as this, it shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that the cast of The Flash pulled out all the stops to make us believe everything that was taking place on our screens. And it really worked, paving the way for some absolutely cracking performances.

Grant Gustin and Carlos Valdes were on top form when Barry and Cisco let their frustration get the better of them in a heated argument about strategy moving forward, showcasing the powerhouses that they're capable of being whenever necessary. Candice Patton was also one of the episode's heaviest-hitters, forcing tears to show themselves in our eyes as Iris struggled with the effects of too much exposure to the Mirrorverse. Elsewhere, Danielle Nicolet delivered another powerhouse performance as Cecile (for the third week running) and Danielle Panabaker's subtle performance infused Frost's limited screen time with some genuine emotion.

The real star of the episode, however, was Mientus who wasted little time bringing Hartley Rathaway back to life with his effortless wit and sassy charm, before showing us the nuanced character that hid underneath that hood and behind those gauntlets.

Perhaps the best overall ensemble performance from The Flash this season, everyone brought their A-game this week, ensuring that 'Pay The Piper' was so much more than a standalone offering.


What did you make of 'Pay The Piper'? Tell us in the comment section below.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.