The Handmaid's Tale Season 2: 8 Ups And 2 Downs From 'First Blood'

1. Fred's Renewed Interest In June

The Handmaid's Tale Commander Waterford

If there was an award for the creepiest person on TV, Fred Waterford would win it hands down.

The Commander's controlling relationship with June was a central part of the first season, that's for sure, but having it come back into play in First Blood is pretty frustrating. We get it, the men of Gilead treat their women like possessions, but does Fred's infatuation with June really need to be explored once more?

Probably not. But, then again, it's too early to judge. After all, June did manage to delay Fred from acting on his lust, but how long can she keep him at bay?

It would be great if June uses Fred to get to Serena. Now that would be very interesting.

What did you make of First Blood? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.